Composition Activities Database
Below is a small database of compositional activities created by Music Education students of the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.
These activities are based around one or more compositional techniques used in Light For The First Time. All required resources are provided inside. External software required is outlined in the descriptions..
Hover over each image to see more about each resource.
Creating a Hocket and exploring tone colour
Create Hockets and explore the different tone colours of instruments.
Password: Available on Isabel's blog.
Creator: Isabel Rakuljic
Software involved: SoundTrap, Garageband, Musescore.
Creating a thematic and aleatoric melody
Explore modal composition and the use of chance in the process of making a melody.
Creator: Kristen Bergersen
Software involved: Sibelius (or any music notation software).
Texture and pitch through composition
Explore the Texture and Pitch through composing, scaffolded by this resource pack!
Creator: Sarah Qiu
Software involved: Musical Instruments, Sibelius or other notation software, Google Classroom.
Rearranging using aleatoric cells
Create your own version of the Aleatoric section of Light For The First Time using this iBook, free on the iBooks Store.
Creator: Andrew Saar
Software involved: Device that can view iBooks, Garageband
Soundscapes and sound exploration
Set of 3 audiobooks for children to begin composition and exploration of different sounds on instrument and their voices.
Creator: Jameson Cho
Software involved: None, just musical Instruments, and a lot of room for dancing