Welcome to GarageBand for iPadBy Kristen Bergersen & Louise Rance
Technology in music education provides teachers and students with amazing resources and platforms to create in the music classroom. Making music lessons relevant to students through technology makes music in schools accessible and engaging.
This website contains interactive tutorials for GarageBand on iPad. These tutorials are specifically designed for a secondary school music classroom setting and take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The three musical experiences of Performing, Composing and Listening are all integrated throughout the tutorials.
Each tutorial explores a specific skill or feature in GarageBand and is approximately 8-10 steps. Each step is repeatable and includes a short video which displays each action.Students working through the tutorials will be encouraged to create something with the skills they learn, however teachers can create their own activities based off the tutorial material. Hopefully this is a simple way to make music technology accessible in the classroom and engages students in a composition activity.
Move to the next page for links to all of the tutorials.
Add Effects to Instruments and Tracks
Create a String Part with Smart Strings
Add more Chord options
Working with Loops
Save Your Song to GoogleDrive
Create a Guitar Part with Smart Guitar
Play the Alchemy Synth
Build Your Song
Create a Drum Groove
Create a Drum Groove with Touch Drums
Record a Track
Create a Piano/Keys Part with Smart Piano
Refine your Recording with Edit Mode
Start a Project
Publish Your Song
Create a Bassline with Smart Bass
Create a Complete Drum Performance with Drummer
GarageBand for iPadBy Kristen Bergersen & Louise Rance